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Use our birthday reports to keep up with birthdays and make your kids feel extra special.
You can view birthdays in your database using the following options:
- Last month
- Last 30 days
- Last 7 days
- Next 7 days
- Next 30 days
To download the birthday report you're currently viewing, click the blue, "Download this Report" at the top of your screen. (You can filter report by regular or guest children.)
To download a CSV of all the birthdays for the kids in your database, select the link "Download Report of all birthdays in database" at the bottom of the report.

In real-life: One of the churches that utilizes our system uses this feature regularly to make sure they're keeping up with their children. The administrator prints the birthday report for the upcoming month. He gives it to a retired woman who handwrites out the birthday cards. Once she's done, she gives him back a stack of cards to send out.