For children PreK & under, classes are calculated based on the child's age as of the current date, and the age ranges can be adjusted. For kindergarten and older, classes are calculated by the grade promotion date which can be adjusted. (Click HERE for more details on Grade Promotion Date & Manual Override.)

Ages PreK & Under 

Default: Days old as of CURRENT DATE (You can change these age ranges in Child Development Settings.)
Newborns: 1 -- 28 days
Infants:  29 -- 365 (1 month -- 12 months)
Toddlers: 366 -- 1095 (more than 1 yr -- less than or equal to 3 years)**
Pre-K: 1096 – 1825 (more than 3 years-- less than or equal to 5 years)**

**Regarding years, when a lower age limit says "more than X years," that means a child X years and a day or older; when an upper age limit says "less than or equal to X years," that means a child up to exactly X years - as soon as they turn X years and a day or more, they are above that age limit. In the example below, the lower age limit for toddlers is set to "more than 1 year," meaning a child 1 year and a day or older. The upper age limit is set to "less than or equal to 3 years" meaning a child up to exactly three years old. However, as soon as they turn 3 years and a day or more, they'd move into the next category of Pre-K, since at that point they're "more than (exactly) 3 years."


Ages Kindergarten & Up

Default: Days old as of most recent September 1 (default grade promotion date).  (You can change this date in church’s Promotion Month & Day in Child Development Settings)
Kindergarten: 1825 -- 2190
1st Grade: 2191 -- 2555
2nd Grade: 2556 -- 2920
3rd Grade: 2921 -- 3285
4th Grade: 3286 -- 3650
5th Grade: 3651 -- 4015
6th Grade: 4016 -- 4380
7th Grade: 4381 -- 4745
8th Grade: 4746 -- 5110
9th Grade: 5111 -- 5475
10th Grade: 5476 -- 5840
11th Grade: 5841 -- 6205
12th Grade: 6206 -- 6570


By default, our system calculates what grade a child falls into based on their birthday per your grade promotion date. Promotion dates are used by schools and are traditionally September 1. However, we discovered that some churches use a different date when calculating grades. You are able to change the date our system uses to calculate grades K-12 from your Child Development Settings. You are also able to change the age ranges for PreK & under. (Click HERE for more details on Grade Promotion Date & Manual Override.)